Morgan and Wolfe has been designing, building and delivering digital knowledge solutions since the mid 2000’s and transforming organisations into knowledge-led success stories. As technology has rapidly advanced so the possibilities for an organisation to transform into a knowledge based company are immense.
How to do something in the best, most efficient possible way formsĀ a core component of a knowledge-based estate but so does compliance and how to remain compliant. Knowledge is not just information, it is an output of many processes such as debate, discussion, research, design, testing and failure and then the process of sharing as learning. A key component of digital transformation is embracing failure effectively as part of the transformational road map. What does not work is as important a what does when assimilating and compiling shared experience into a learning culture.
Digital collaboration and its outputs are a critical component of any digital transformation into a knowledge based company. By designing effective governance and routines, outputs can be stored as definitive and authoritative knowledge bases and catalogues that form the foundations of a transitionĀ digital automation and the leverage of AI tools and services.
In 2022 we designed and built a complete knowledge solution for a global bank, used by 110,000 users utilizing the very best of the Microsoft cloud in M365 meeting both business and technology audience objectives.